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Li Keqiang: "Twelfth Five-Year Plan" environmental protection investment will ex

發(fā)布時間:2012-05-04 18:39:00  點擊量:617

On May 3, local time, Vice Premier Li Keqiang attended the opening ceremony of the China-EU High-Level Meeting on Urbanization Partnership held in Brussels and delivered a speech. Li Keqiang said that during the "Twelfth Five-Year Plan" period, China's cumulative investment in environmental protection will exceed 5 trillion yuan, and there is huge potential in the field of energy conservation and environmental protection.

Li Keqiang said that Europe's urbanization model is unique in the world. It pays attention to the rational layout of cities, pays attention to public services and human settlements, and advocates the protection of natural and historical features. As an ancient civilization, China also has a glorious history of urban development. Over the past 30 years of reform and opening up, China's industrialization and urbanization have accelerated significantly, and the urban population has increased from 170 million to nearly 700 million, promoting economic development and social progress.

Li Keqiang revealed that at present, China's building energy consumption is close to 40% of the total energy consumption, while the proportion of energy-saving buildings in urban buildings is less than 25%, which means that 75% still need to be renovated, not to mention the emerging urbanization. process. During the "Twelfth Five-Year Plan" period, China's cumulative investment in environmental protection will exceed 5 trillion yuan, and there is huge potential in the field of energy conservation and environmental protection.

Li Keqiang pointed out that China-EU cooperation in the field of urbanization has a long history and has achieved remarkable results. In order to promote urbanization in an orderly manner and solve the problems of resources and environment, China needs to follow its own path based on its national conditions, and learn and introduce advanced European concepts, technologies and management experience. When "European design" meets "Made in China" and "European technology" meets "Chinese market", it will have a significant effect.

Li Keqiang said that facing the future, China and the EU should regard urbanization as a new platform and a new highlight of practical cooperation, highlight cooperation in energy conservation, environmental protection, new energy and other fields, and share the huge benefits brought by China's urbanization and European high-tech industrialization. It is hoped that the European side will be more flexible and open in the transfer of high-tech to China, so as to achieve complementary advantages, mutual benefit and win-win results.

Li Keqiang put forward three suggestions in this regard: First, jointly promote green development. China and the EU should strengthen cooperation in new and renewable energy, energy conservation and environmental protection industries, circular economy and waste utilization, and jointly build green and low-carbon cities. Second, deepen project cooperation. Market access should be relaxed, intellectual property protection should be strengthened, and cooperation should be improved. Third, strengthen management exchanges, deepen exchanges and cooperation in urban planning, management policies, cultural protection and other aspects, and promote the healthy development of urbanization.

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